Agape Special Dates

March 3: Class Newsletter/Calendars and Health & Wellness Newsletter Up

March 3: Directors Complete Class & Teacher Assessments

March 3: PK/Pods Ages & Stages Week

March 8: Virtual Enrichment Class

March 10: Kindergarten Roundup

March 10: PK/Pods Parent/Teacher Conf

March 15: Staff Meeting/Parent Council Meeting

March 17: Infant/Tods Ages & Stages

March 19: National Read To Me Day

March 24: Infant/Tods Parent/Teacher Conferences

March 26: National Purple Day

March 28: Winter Checkpoints Due

March 31: Hilliard City Schools Spring Break


Our menu is designed to prevent childhood overweight and obesity by promoting healthy weight and growth in all children. Our menu consists of non-fried vegetables, whole fruit, whole grain, and a limitation on sugars, fried foods, and processed meats. Children will enjoy  meals and snacks that are delicious and healthy.

We serve breakfast, morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, and dinner.